Do You Own A Large Shopping Strip? 4 Benefits Of Seal Coating The Parking Lot Regularly


Watching as the cars visit the various shops along your commercial shopping strip is a sign that business is booming. While this is a good thing, it does come with a small cost. Parking lots tend to accumulate more damage as the traffic levels increase. But, you don't have to let all of the extra activity turn into pavement problems. Planning for asphalt seal coating on a regular basis provides you with these benefits for keeping your shopping strip in top condition.

Stop Tiny Cracks From Growing

Even freshly paved parking lots are susceptible to developing tiny cracks as cars drive on the surface. Cracks can also show up due to oxidative damage that occurs from the sun's UV rays. Once you have a small crack in the surface, water can begin getting inside where it breaks down the binding materials in the asphalt. Applying a seal coat according to the recommended schedule fills in the tiny cracks so that they can't continue to expand.

Protect Against Damage From Automotive Fluids

Parking lots can also develop damage from cars that are sitting still. Many cars leak oil and other fluids that can also break down the various materials in the asphalt. Asphalt seal coating places a waterproof barrier between the pavement and the fluids that can help stop them from leaking into the deeper layers of your parking lot.

Boost Your Property's Curb Appeal

People tend to be drawn to new and beautiful things, which is why they like to go to your shopping strip. Allowing the parking lot to become faded or cracked over time could lead to a loss of traffic for the businesses in your shopping strip, which means fewer tenants will want to set up shop at your location. When an asphalt maintenance company puts down a fresh seal coat, you'll notice that the surface turns a beautiful dark hue that is noticeable from the road. Boosting the curb appeal can also increase the value of your property if you decide to sell. 

Save Money By Preventing Extensive Repairs

As a business owner, you want to do everything you can to increase the bottom line for your company. While a seal coat does require you to set aside funds for this maintenance service, it is much more affordable compared to needing to do more extensive work. Since the seal coat halts minor damage in its tracks, it helps to prolong the pavement's life span. Being able to avoid having to do full-depth patching or a complete reconstruction helps you stretch your parking lot maintenance funds further.

Contact a seal coating service to learn more.


30 May 2023

Choosing The Right Areas To Pave

Do you love your yard? Do you use your yard? Most people can't answer yes to both of these questions, which is why it can really pay off to start looking into different ways to pave spots that you could use in different ways. From installing basketball areas to adding better walkways, it is essential to consider adding pavement as part of a careful landscaping plan. On this website, read about all kinds of great uses for paving around your home and yard, from creating a better crawlspace to making a basketball court outside for your kids. Check out these blogs for more information.